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What's included:

5-phase course with bite-sized videos and resources

99-page workbook 

Customizable weighted decision model to select the right program(s)

This toolkit delivered so much value – just seeing the school criteria that we weren’t considering was eye opening. I waste more money on random Amazon purchases – this was a no-brainer.

Adrienne P 
Parent to 1st grader

I’ll always remember what she said about how people who don’t know any better usually pick the most expensive school and get the wrong education.

Jacob and Marty D.
PreK twins
Picking programs is hard. Having this toolkit provided an actionable roadmap to demystifying the hazy thinking process around evaluating schools.

Marsha and Tony L.
3K applicant
  • Total payment
  • 1xConfident Decision Makers Toolkit$50

All prices in USD
